Disinfect Waste Water, Biomatter Or Meat That Has Gone Rancid.

Disinfect Waste Water, Biomatter, or Meat that has Gone Rancid. The benefits of using chlorine dioxide are many. It is a powerful oxidizing agent that can quickly kill bacteria and viruses, making it ideal for treating water contaminated with harmful pathogens. Chlorine dioxide is also very effective at removing organic matter from water, including tannins and other dissolved minerals that can cause odor problems. In addition, chlorine dioxide does not form harmful byproducts like chloroform when used in water treatment, making it a safe and practical choice for protecting public health.
Chlorine dioxide is a disinfectant with a wide range of applications including treatment for water disinfection. Chlorine dioxide can be applied as a liquid and is effective against bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. It also has low toxicity levels and leaves minimal residuals in the water. This makes chlorine dioxide an attractive choice for water disinfection systems.
There Are Many Benefits To Using Chlorine Dioxide As A Water Treatment:
- Chlorine dioxide is a safer alternative to chlorine and other chemicals commonly used in water treatment.
- Chlorine dioxide is more effective than chlorine in treating water for specific contaminants.
- Chlorine dioxide is more stable than chlorine, meaning it is less likely to break down into harmful by-products.
- Chlorine dioxide is also effective in preventing the growth of algae, and fungi in water.
- If you want a safe water treatment option, chlorine dioxide is a great choice.

Residential sources include toilets, showers, laundry, dishwashing, and sinks that can contain black and gray wastewater. Examples of commercial sources from facilities like beauty salons, auto shops, or furniture refinishing. If you have wastewater that has had biomatter like urine, vomit, blood, or meat in it or has gone rancid, you will need to disinfect it. The first step is to remove any solid material from the water. Then, you will need to boil the water for at least one minute. If you use chlorine bleach, add one teaspoon per gallon of water. If you use iodine, add one tablespoon of iodine per gallon of water. Let the water sit for 30 minutes before using it.
Disinfect WasteWater, Tools, and Equipment Contaminated By Biomatter Like Urine, Vomit, Blood, Or Meat Can Cause Disease If Not Disinfected Properly.
Disinfect or pre-clean tools and equipment. Keep water tanks, machines at all times to avoid cross-contamination. Our solutions can be used as a dip or to soak to nearly any surface when mixed and applied properly. Disperse evenly and completely throughout a space, removing any sort of pungent odor from spills or waste. Let’s not forget that this substance has been used for 100 years in wastewater without generating any type of resistance.
Disinfect turbid waters with low maintenance. Unlike UV, ClO2 degrades to harmless salt in waste water networks with no toxic chlorinated by-products. Chlorine dioxide is an effective disinfectant against viruses. When used correctly, it can help prevent the spread of disease and contamination. One of the benefits of using chlorine dioxide is that it is effective against a wide range of microorganisms. It is effective against, viruses. Chlorine dioxide is also a potent oxidizing agent, which can help break down organic matter. This makes it an ideal disinfectant for wastewater contaminated with biomatter.

Another benefit of using chlorine dioxide is its relatively safe use, it poses little risk to human health. Eco-friendly alternative to remove both hydrogen sulfide and the sulfide-reducing bacteria that cause odor and corrosion in wastewater and sewage. Chlorine dioxide is also very effective at removing organic matter. Additionally, chlorine dioxide is not known to cause any environmental damage when used correctly. Finally, chlorine dioxide is a very effective disinfectant. It has a high rate of killing and can help to prevent the spread of disease. When used correctly, it can help keep people healthy and safe.
Tips For Using It Safely And Effectively To Disinfect Wastewater
- When using chlorine dioxide, it is important to follow the instructions carefully and take all safety precautions.
- Chlorine dioxide should only be used in well-ventilated areas. It is also important to wear gloves and a mask when handling chlorine dioxide.
- Chlorine dioxide can be corrosive, so it is important to avoid contact with the skin and eyes. If contact does occur, rinse the area immediately.
- Chlorine dioxide should be used with caution. When used properly, it can effectively disinfect water from biological contaminants.
Use for non-potable treatment on and fountain drink equipment (breweries, wineries, and dairies), related storage (holding tank), transfer and dispensing lines of this equipment, filtration/humidification systems, process water for final rinse of containers, including bottles, plastic, glass, or metal cans and kegs ensuring visible wetness. For decorative, systems such as swimming pools, spas, hot tub, (with pH 7.2-7.6) once-through and recirculating cooling towers, R.V., fleetes, marine, or aircraft storage for potable and non-potable water. Prepare activated solution to a strength consistent with the threshold for general cleaning and antimicrobial uses, to prevent, inhibit or remove organic eliminate odor in fouled water.
Use-Site | CONCENTRATION | Mix EQUAL PARTS 1:1 – NaClO2 (Part A) and HCl (Part B) |
Wastewater (Batch or Meter) | Continuous 5 PPM Shock 50 PPM Heavily Contaminated 100 PPM | 5 drops A, with 5 drops B 1 gallon of water 50 drops A, with 50 drops B in 1 gallon of water. (2ml = 50 drops) 100 drops A, with 100 drops B in 1 gallon of water. (4ml = 100 drops) |
Mix in the bottom corner of a designated plastic mixing container. Let the solution activate for 1 minute before dilution, then fill the container with the appropriate quantity of clean water. Agitate until mixed. Use as a solution for batch treatments, shock treatments, remedially, intermittent, periodic, or continuous operation injected with a metering system to maintain desired results for system concentration and decontaminated storage. To apply: Circulate water in normal operation until desired results are achieved in the system. For pool or spa, apply when no people are in the water. Fill, flush, immerse, circulate or spray tank, line, equipment, or food contact surface with an active solution for 10 minutes ensuring all surface area is thoroughly wet. After sanitizing, drain the tank, line, or equipment, followed by thorough rinsing with potable water, for at least one (1) minute. Allow airing dry or drain-drip.
Chlorine Dioxide as a Gas and in Solution in the Inactivation of two Trichothecene Mycotoxins. P. 181 – 186 Volume 24, Issue 3. S. C. Wilson. May 2005.
Susceptibility of chemostat-grown Yersinia Enterocolitica and Klebsiella Pneumoniae to Chlorine Dioxide, 49(1): 69–72. M S Harakeh, Appl Environ Microbiol. Jan. 1985.
Antimicrobial Products Registered with EPA for Claims Against Common Pathogens. Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Chlorine Disinfection – EPA. Oct. 2022..
Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite (Case 4023). Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Aug. 2006.
Chlorine Dioxide Used as Sanitizer in Ultrafiltration Systems. Department of Food Science. H. F. BOHNER. University of Wisconsin-Madison. April 1991.
Comparison of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine Disinfection Power in Wastewater Effluent: World Wide Science. Maliheh Akhlaghi. Jan. 2018.
Division of Animal Resources. Agent Summary Sheet. M. Huerkamp. June 2003.