Circulating Water Systems, Transfer Lines, And Cooling Systems

Circulating water systems are commonly found in a variety of industries, from healthcare to hospitality. But, The biggest challenge with these systems is keeping them clean and infection-free. After all, Control and suppress the growth of biofilm, algae, and microorganisms in water systems like irrigation systems, tanks, reservoirs, pipes, tubing, and transfer lines. Chlorine dioxide can be an effective water treatment for circulating water systems and cooling systems, but it’s important to use it safely and effectively.

If you have ever noticed a “chlorine smell” coming from your swimming pool, that is the result of chloramines (compounds formed when chlorine reacts with sweat, oils, and other organic matter in the water). These chloramines can irritate the skin and eyes and are responsible for that distinct “pool smell.” The good news is that chlorine dioxide will quickly and effectively break down chloramines, leaving your pool water clean and fresh.

Chlorine Dioxide For Circulating Water Systems, Transfer Lines, And Cooling Systems, Towers And Server Farms

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizer that can disinfect and sanitize water systems without harmful chemicals. After all, It effectively eradicates bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms that can cause disease. After all, Chlorine dioxide does not produce toxic byproducts like chloramines or trihalomethanes (THMs).

Use in spas, pools, cooling towers, servers, pasteurizers, bottling or canning systems, hydro-coolers, and water networks. Contaminated systems regularly require a deep clean to kill bacteria, mold, and other pathogens. If the tank system is used heavily, notably fouled, cleaned irregularly, going into or coming out of overwintering, then consider the tank(s) level of contamination to be high before disposal. Shock your circulating and containment systems regularly for optimum performance. Chlorine dioxide is particularly effective in treating recirculating water systems, such as circulating water systems and cooling systems like cooling towers and server farms.

In these systems, water is constantly being reused, so it is essential to ensure that the water is clean and free of contaminants. Because Chlorine dioxide can help to keep these systems clean and safe

Benefits Chlorine dioxide is used as a Water Treatment For Circulating Water Systems

1. Chlorine dioxide is effective in preventing the growth of bacteria and algae in circulating water systems.

2. Chlorine dioxide is also effective in controlling slime-forming bacteria.

3. Chlorine dioxide is less corrosive to metals than chlorine, which makes it ideal for use in circulating water systems.

4. Chlorine dioxide is also effective in controlling odor-causing bacteria.

5. Chlorine dioxide is compatible with most other water treatment chemicals 

6. Chlorine dioxide is easy to incorporate into existing water treatment programs.

7. Chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidizing agent and can be used to control a wide range of waterborne pathogens.

Tips for Using It Safely and Effectively in Circulating Water Systems

There are a few things to keep in mind when using chlorine dioxide in your circulating water system:

  • Using a high-grade product ensures that you don’t introduce any harmful chemicals into your water system.
  • Be sure to read the directions carefully, and follow them exactly, with proper PPE protection in place.
  • Use protective gear: When handling chlorine dioxide, it’s important to wear gloves and eye protection.
  • Store it mindfully: Store chlorine dioxide properly in a cool, dark place away from flame or spark in a sealed plastic container.
  • After all, Never mix chlorine dioxide with sulphuric substances, or amines, as this can reduce efficacy.


Use for non-potable treatment on beverage and fountain drink equipment (breweries, wineries, and dairies), related storage (holding tank), transfer and dispensing lines of this equipment, filtration/humidification systems, process water for final rinse of containers, including bottles, plastic, glass, or metal cans and kegs ensuring visible wetness. For decorative, ornamental, or operative systems such as swimming pool, spa, hot tub, (with pH 7.2-7.6) once-through and recirculating cooling towers, R.V., fleetes, marine, or aircraft storage for potable and non-potable water.

threshold for general cleaning and antimicrobial

Prepare activated solution to a strength consistent with the threshold for general cleaning and antimicrobial uses, to prevent, inhibit or remove buildups, disinfect wastewater, eliminate odor in fouled water, and treat circulating water systems and cooling systems.

Use-SiteCONCENTRATIONMix EQUAL PARTS 1:1  –  NaClO2 (Part A) and HCl (Part B)
Hot Tub, Spa, 
Swimming Pool
1 drop A, with 1 drop B in 1 gallon of water
3 drops A, with 3 drops B in 1 gallon of water
Equipment and Tools.
Canning, Bottling.
Ice Plants.
Tanks and Lines 100 PPM 
Final Rinse 30 PPM 
Machinery and Parts 20 PPM
100 drops A, with 100 drops B in 1 gallon of water. (4ml = 100 drops)
30 drops A, with 30 drops B in 1 gallon of water
20 drops A, with 20 drops B in 1 gallon of water
Recirculating Cooling 
Towers and Systems
Light 0.25 PPM 
Moderate 1 PPM 
Initial Dose Heavy 5 PPM
1 drop A, with 1 drop B in 4 gallons of water
1 drop A, with 1 drop B in 1 gallon of water
5 drops A, with 5 drops B in 1 gallon of water

Mix in the bottom corner of a designated plastic mixing container. Let the solution activate for 1 minute. As a result, Use as a solution for batch treatments, shock treatments, or continuous operation injected with a metering system to maintain desired results for system concentration and decontaminated storage. To apply: Circulate water in normal operation until desired results are achieved in the system. For pool or spa, apply when no people are in the water. Fill, flush, immerse, circulate or spray tank, line, equipment, or food contact surface with an active solution for 10 minutes ensuring all surface area is thoroughly wet. After sanitizing, drain the tank, line, or equipment, followed by thorough rinsing with potable water, for at least one (1) minute. Allow airing dry or drain-drip.


Ten (10) Reasons Why You Should be Using Chlorine Dioxide. Food Safety Magazine. Birko Corporation. Feb. 2007.
Inactivation of Waterborne Emerging Pathogens by Selected Disinfectants, P. 23. The Water Research Foundation. US. EPA. J. Jacangelo. April 2003.
Efficacy Of Chlorine Dioxide Gas as a Sanitizer for Tanks Used for Aseptic Juice Storage, Vol. 16, Issue 1. Food Microbiology. Y. Han, A. M. Guentert*, R. S. Smith. Feb. 1999.
Chemical Disinfectants | Guidelines Library | Infection Control – CDC. William A. Rutala. 2016.
CHLORINE DIOXIDE | Occupational Safety and Health Administration. OSHA Occupational Chemical Database. Dec. 2020. 
Antimicrobial Products Registered with EPA for Claims Against Common Pathogens. Wastewater Technology Fact Sheet: Chlorine Disinfection – EPA. Oct. 2022..
Selected EPA-Registered Disinfectants | US EPA. Antimicrobial Products Registered with EPA for Claims Against Common Pathogens. Oct. 2022.
Seasonal Occurrence Of The Pathogenic Vibrio Sp. Of The Disease Of Sea Urchin Strongylocentrotus Intermedius Occurring At Low Water Temperatures And The Prevention Methods Of The Disease, Vol.66; No.5; P. 799-804. Japanese Society of Fisheries Science. K. Tajima, K. Takeuchi, M. Takahata, M. Hasegawa. 2000.
Data for Comparison of Chlorine Dioxide and Chlorine Disinfection Power in a Real Dairy Wastewater Effluent. Chlorine Dioxide: World Wide Science. Maliheh Akhlaghi. Jan. 2018. 

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