Treatment For Skin Fungus, And Toenail Fungus

Bacterial Infections

Treatment For Skin Fungus, And Toenail Fungus. It effectively kills the germs and fungi that cause the condition due to its strong oxidizing properties. Because it is less harsh than regular clean, chlorine dioxide can be safely applied directly to the affected area without causing irritation or burning. 

Using chlorine dioxide for skin fungus and grems infections helps reduce inflammation associated with the condition while also giving relief from itching, redness, and flaking of the affected area. As the demand for more natural and alternative health treatments increases, people are becoming more interested in exploring new options for addressing a variety of health concerns, including skin fungus. This growing interest has led to the emergence of several alternative treatments, among which is chlorine dioxide. Despite its powerful nature, this solution has actually been scientifically proven to be effective in promoting faster healing times and restoring a healthy balance of naturally occurring bacteria on the skin. As a result, more and more people are turning to chlorine dioxide as a DIY treatment option for skin fungus.

Treatment For Skin Fungus

Before diving into how to use chlorine dioxide to treat toenail fungus, it’s important to note that this potent antifungal agent has been found to be effective in treating a variety of fungal infections. Among these infections is toenail fungus, which can be particularly difficult to treat. With that in mind, it’s crucial to begin any treatment with a clean and dry area of application, which is why it’s recommended to prepare your feet before applying chlorine dioxide. Then, you can apply a chlorine dioxide solution to the affected toenails, making sure to saturate the nail thoroughly. Let the solution sit on the nail for a few minutes to allow the chlorine dioxide to penetrate the nail and reach the fungal infection. After the solution has had time to work, you should rinse your feet thoroughly with water and dry them off. Repeat this process twice a day for several weeks until the toenail fungus has cleared up. It is also essential to keep your feet clean and dry, as toenail fungus thrives in moist environments.


When it comes to finding effective and safe cleaning solutions for infectious-causing microorganisms on the skin, many people turn to a variety of agents that are known to have therapeutic effects. These can include Oxygen compounds, sulfonamides, phenolics, and anti-inflammatory agents, among others. However, one solution that is gaining attention for its efficacy in treating a range of germs, fungal, and yeast infections on skin and scalps is chlorine dioxide. By preparing an activated solution to a strength consistent with the maximum threshold for use on lesions, scratches, and wound sites, this powerful antifungal agent can be used to treat a variety of conditions, from ringworm and athlete’s foot to psoriasis and bacterial dermatitis. Additionally, chlorine dioxide can be used in health-related applications, such as treating wounds, hot spots, and hoof abscesses, without leaving any toxic residue, burning, or stinging.

Use-SiteFor a concentration ofMix EQUAL PARTS 1:1  –  NaClO2 (Part A) and HCl (Part B)
Infectious Surfaces Including Skin10 PPM10 drops A, with 10 drops B in 1 gallon of water

Mix recommended strength in the corner of a chosen plastic mixing container. Let the solution activate for 1 minute before dilution, then fill with water. Agitate until mixed. Use as a solution in a manner consistent with usual standards.

  • SPRAY  – allow visible wetness for 5 minutes before drying. . 
  • SWAB / SPONGE – allow visible wetness for 5 minutes before drying. 
  • SOAK / IMMERSE  – allow to drench or submerge for 1 minute. 
  • DIP / RINSE – allow to drench or submerge for 1 minute. 


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Benarde, M. A., Snow, W. B., Olivieri, V. P., & Davidson, B. (1967). Kinetics and mechanism of bacterial disinfection by chlorine dioxide. Applied microbiology, 15(2), 257-265.
Liu, X. (2017). Promoting Hair Growth Solution Containing Chlorine Dioxide Preparation Method And Use Method Thereof U.S. Patent Application No. 14/362,061.
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