Sanitize Packages And Non-Food Items

Like most people, you probably bring packages and other non-food items into your home regularly. And while you may not think twice about it, these items can carry bacteria and other contaminants that can lead to illness. Chlorine Dioxide Is A Great Product To Use To Sanitize Packages And Non-Food Items. That’s why it’s important to sanitize packages and non-food items before bringing them into your home. Here are a few tips on how to do so:
– Wipe down packages with a disinfectant wipe before bringing them inside. This will help to remove any bacteria or contaminants that may be present on the surface.
– If possible, place packages and non-food items in a sealed plastic bag before bringing them into your home. This will help to keep any bacteria or contaminants from spreading.
– Wash your hands thoroughly after handling packages and non-food items. This will help prevent bacteria and other contaminants from spreading to yourself and others.
The National Organic Standards Board Program lists chlorine dioxide as an approved substance on organic foods, surfaces, and packaged goods. Chlorine dioxide, also known as ClO2 is a powerful sanitizer and oxidizer. It’s less toxic, safe when dry, colorless, and has a slightly acidic PH. Because of its properties, it is often used in food processing, water treatment, and disinfection. In this post, we’ll take a look at some of the ways you can use chlorine dioxide in your home to sanitize packages and surfaces.

Following These Simple Tips Can Help Keep Your Home Safe And Free Of Bacteria And Other Contaminants.
- Wear gloves when handling chlorine dioxide.
- Dilute chlorine dioxide with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Apply chlorine dioxide to the surface you wish to sanitize.
- Allow the chlorine dioxide to air dry.
- Store chlorine dioxide in a cool, dry place out of reach of children and pets.
Chlorine Dioxide Is A Great Product To Use To Sanitize Packages, Mail Items, And Other Non-Food Items.
Chlorine Dioxide is a great product to use in your home to sanitize packages, mail items, and non-food items. Use multipurpose solution to eliminate odors and disinfect contaminated food-contact surfaces, metal, wood, enamel, stone, plastic, stainless steel, cast iron, and food packages, like Tupperware or store-bought containers.

Chlorine dioxide is a powerful disinfectant that is highly effective against many bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Unlike other disinfectants, chlorine dioxide does not leave behind harmful residues or produce toxic byproducts. Additionally, it is safe for use around children and animals. When used as directed, chlorine dioxide is a highly effective way to keep your home safe and clean. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for a safe and effective way to clean their homes.
Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide Use in Your Home To Sanitize Packages
- Chlorine dioxide is a powerful sanitizer and oxidizer. chlorine dioxide is nontoxic, colorless, non-corrosive and has a near neutral pH. Because of its properties, it is often used in food processing, water treatment, and disinfection. chlorine dioxide can be used to sanitize packages as well as non-food items.
- When chlorine dioxide is used to sanitize packages, it helps to kill bacteria and viruses that may be present on the surface of the package. Chlorine dioxide is also effective at removing mold and mildew from surfaces.
- Chlorine dioxide is a safe and effective way to sanitize packages and surfaces. When used according to the manufacturer’s instructions, chlorine dioxide is not harmful to humans or animals.
Use for residential and household disinfectant around people, pets, children, babies, plants, and other living things. Non-corrosive on surfaces, eliminate odor (animal bedding, litter boxes, shoes, garbage), general antibacterial, use on dyed fabrics, gentle, hypo-allergenic, and will not damage your skin or clothing when diluted properly. Prepare activated solution to a strength consistent with the maximum EPA threshold for residential and public access, food and NON-food contact surfaces.
Use-Site | CONCENTRATION | Mix EQUAL PARTS 1:1 – NaClO2 (Part A) and HCl (Part B) |
Light – Food Contact Surfaces | 20 PPM | 20 drops A, with 20 drops B in 1 gallon of water |
Moderate – Non-Food Contact | 100 PPM | 100 drops A, with 100 drops B in 1 gallon of water. (4ml = 100 drops) |
Heavily Contaminated – Non-Food Contact | 200 PPM | 200 drops A, with 200 drops B in 1 gallon of water. (8 ml = 200 drops) |
Mix in the bottom corner of a designated plastic mixing container. Let the solution activate for 1 minute before dilution, then fill with water. Agitate until mixed. Use as a solution, spray, swab, sponge, flush, fill, dip, immerse, or mop in a manner consistent with usual standards. Soak all biohazards before disposal, animal handling equipment, forks, shovels, and scrapers. For spray, allow visible wetness for 10 minutes. For a soak, mop, fill, allow to drench or submerge for 5 minutes. No wipe or rinse required
Protective Effect Of Low-Concentration Chlorine Dioxide Gas Against Influenza A Virus Infection, 89, 60–67. Journal Of General Virology. Norio Ogata. Jan. 2008.
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Susceptibility of chemostat-grown Yersinia Enterocolitica and Klebsiella Pneumoniae to Chlorine Dioxide, 49(1): 69–72. M S Harakeh, Appl Environ Microbiol. Jan. 1985.
Reregistration Eligibility Decision (RED) for Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite (Case 4023). Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances. Aug. 2006.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is Most Commonly Used as a Disinfectant in Cases Where Problems of Taste and Odour Arise with Chlorine,. John M. Donohue. 2009.
Food and Drugs (Administration) Department of Health and Human Services. Food for Human Consumption, – Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 – FDA. July 2022.
Preparation and Evaluation of Novel Solid Chlorine Dioxide-Based Disinfectant Powder in Single-Pack (2):157-62. Biomed Environmental Science. Zhu M, April 2008.
CHEMISTRY OF DISINFECTANTS AND DISINFECTANT. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA; G. Amy, Richland, Washington, USA; G.F. Craun. 2000.
Ten (10) Reasons Why You Should be Using Chlorine Dioxide. Food Safety Magazine. Birko Corporation. Feb. 2007.
Environmental Assessment for Food Contact Notification. Selective Micro Technologies, LLC. FDA. Aug. 2017.
Chlorine Dioxide Compound Summary. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Dec. 2022.